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In this podcast series, we discuss various topics pertinent to Intensive care pharmacology and physiology. We aim to equip medical and nursing staff working in Intensive care with the knowledge required for day to day functioning in intensive care.

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Jul 1, 2021

Join us in the latest episode of ICU Primary Prepcast, where Dr Mike Clifford and I discuss how every ICU trainee can prepare for their primary exams on their day to day ward rounds. We suggest using the modified Pomodoro technique i.e - 3 questions at one-bed space per day (25 min total)
- One question about the pharmacology of one of the drugs that the patient is currently on
- one question about the monitor attached to the patient
- one question about the physiology related to that particular patient.
In this podcast we discuss -
Physics principle of arterial waveform analysis
Pharmacokinetic properties of Midazolam
Effect of PEEP on CVS physiology.